I discovered this site on the internet today, which goes through a few basic bike repairs in video. Its not the most complete series, but its not bad either. Check it out here
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Courtesy of Coby and his lunch break, check out the video in the player above, or here on YouTube in HD.
It began, as these things do, in a garage. This garage was my garage and we were here on this Wednesday night f...
Okay, so before we "dive" into that story, lets talk a little about the bike ride. It was a pretty amazing ride after all. R...
Yesterday Tom, Rich, Coby and I rode the Mapple Hollow DH trail in the corner canyon area for the first time. Let me sum up how the day wen...
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Okay, so before we "dive" into that story, lets talk a little about the bike ride. It was a pretty amazing ride after all. R...
Location. Location. Location. Actually, more like views. This Saturday, Mike Tom, Petro and I decided to try out a section of the new...
Courtesy of Coby and his lunch break, check out the video in the player above, or here on YouTube in HD.
In what might be one of the last rides of the year, Coby, Wade H. and myself did more of the mid mountain trail that I have ever done before...
This is bike related, but only partly. I am looking for people to help me with a personal project of mine, a short bike film. Here is th...
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Well, I have a moment to breath finally (been going full out on vacation the last week) and I thought I would post the happenings on the Moa...
First off, let me hit the highlights: 24 inches in 24 hours 48 base 15% to 8% to 3% density Thats according to alta.com What we act...
Spring is that wonderful do it all time in the Utah, the mountains will have 200 inches of snow this week (with more coming) and the trails...
It began, as these things do, in a garage. This garage was my garage and we were here on this Wednesday night f...
June 2011
Even though the Salt Lake/Park City trails are my favorite to ride I have to be able to ride some trails closer to home now that I live in Layton. My coworker Gary has been inviting me to go biking with him for nearly a year now and I have always mange to ditch him and go for a ride more south. However since I didn’t have a ride planned with Pat or Dustin I thought, why not?, I need to get more familiar with the trails up this way.
We went and rode the Ogden section of the Bonneville shoreline trail (see map below). We met after work at 5:00 o’clock at the Bues canyon trailhead with some other guys that work in my building, Ken, Glen, and Peter. I was anticipating a nice warm evening ride as I had extrapolated from the temperature increase throughout the day. Unfortunately the weather became cloudy to the south. Due to the multiple layers of clouds I thought the clouds moving towards the north east were the storm. So we decided to ride while remaining vigilant of the thunder storm near us. The way we rode the trail was in a loop (see map). It is a slight uphill which you have to ride partly through a neighborhood and a city water tank construction site. We rode to the point before you ride down to Rainbow Gardens at the mouth of Ogden Canyon and then turned south going to the upper trail.
As soon as we did that we noticed the lower cloud layer was coming towards us and it started to rain. Just my luck. The Ken fell into a bush (I wish I could have witnessed at one) and his tire started going flat. The upper portion of the trail heading south is very technical. More technical that you would expect. So trying to go uphill over all of that slick granite was tough. Peter just annihilated us on his 29-er while the rest of us struggled. My tires coupled with my technical inabilities weren’t made for that the steep rocky accents when wet, so needless to say by the time we got to Bues Canyon I was worn out. By the time we got to Bues Canyon, I was warned on how ”G-gnarly” the downhill was down the canyon. They weren’t kidding, I barely had enough energy to make it down the rock garden descent. If you didn’t have to carry the extra weight up the puke-ish hill climb, I would recommend bringing shin pads because of the rocks that got kicked up. Glen got a nasty goose egg on his shin (sorry no pics). Gary's bike-puter counted a 10.8 mile loop at the end.
Bottom line a good evening ride, got in some technical climbing and a great workout.

We went out riding yesterday after work in Corner canyon again. I'm not going to post the video we took with the GoPro's because; a) its very similar to the other videos posted b) its so shaky from CMOS rolling shutter effect coming down RUSH trail that its nearly unusable except as maybe an expectorant. Coby, Petro and I went up clarks which was dry but rutted to crap from people who had ignored the signs that say "do not ride when wet". We got up to the top and decided to try rush trail, what a neat trail. About 600 tight switchbacks with fun bumps and jumps. The best part about the ride was the randomness of it, you never knew what was coming around the next corner and since its downhill only, you knew it wasn't a biker, runner or horse coming up, which was a plus. Speaking of which, its bike only as well so no horse crap on the trail to boot. Here is the MyTracks we took.
Here is the trail map for the corner canyon area.
Download the PDF here
Wade, Dustin and I rode the shore-line from dry creek to city creek this Saturday. It was really fun despite some setbacks. 1. forgotten shoes are a pain in the butt...its worse when they are in layton. 2. tubeless systems are awesome...unless you tear the stem out.
Dry creek had a lot of water in it, which is unusual since I've never seen ANY water in it...thus dry creek.
Once we got to the top Dustin was experiencing low tire pressure so we stopped to fill it up some more, and he ripped the valve stem out of the tubeless system he set up. dag.
There isn't much else to say on this ride except that these pictures are courtesy of Dustin who didn't realize he was taking pictures instead of video. Also, i was watching Iron Eagle when i edited the above video. but it doesn't show.