Here I am...doing...something.
Hey, its quick, easy and safe.  That plan was to do a DP to the apron but being south facing it got some warming and there was a significant slide on the upper west facing plan b was PM, but we didn't have time to reach PM so we went for Toms instead. 

Skining up the nicely laid skin track took only 15 minutes or so.

It was surprisingly good snow on the north east face, the winds were coming from the west and cross loaded (gently) all the little snow that had accumulated. 

This is Coby, looking like its 830 AM and 15 Degrees

We didn't have a lot of vert, but it was probably 6 inches of 9% and at least 20 good turns on the steeps and a couple of good turns down lower.  All in all, just being outside and watching the sun come up on the valley was enough for me.  I just love being out in the mountains.  Such a boost.  

P.s. Sorry the pictures aren't the best, but props to Coby for having his phone with him and not leaving the camera in the car like i did.  

Bonus:  here is Google tracks for most of our run.

More toms ridge

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

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