I went up today to do a dawn patrol with a friends dad, Richard and his Friend Scott.  We left at 530 in the morning and were hiking by 610 or so.  It was a nice morning, it was right in-between two storm fronts.  The first front had deposited 16 or so inches and the second was on its way in later in the day to deposit 24 more inches.
The Sun started to poke is head through the clouds around 645

Here is Richard Following the unstoppable Scott plowing away.

At the top, the winds picked up, and the clouds moved in.   The next storm is supposed to drop 24 inches by tomorrow night.  Today's rating was Considerable on North, South, and east terrain which is usually higher than i like to go out in.  The hiking was difficult because of it.  There was a sun crust on the south fast that the new snow was sitting on, every side step we took moved the snow downhill and it was tricky to get purchase.  There was about 14 average inches on top of this crust which means that it was basically a loose soft slab.  Fun sluffing.  

We are standing on top of Emma ridge looking down into silver fork.  To our right (east) is Honeycomb canyon and to our left (West) is Days fork. 

This is Scott decending, I tried to get pics of Richard too, but the camera wouldn't focus.  I think it got a touch wet.  

It was a ton of fun and great snow.   I charged hard until my legs gave out.  Thanks for the good times guys. 

Emma Ridge

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Monday, March 7, 2011

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